Everyday the world creates ___of satellite images captured, ____ hours of video recorded, ____of images taken. What if you could instantly search it all? With RAIC You can.

Raw visual data contains valuable insights, but is notoriously difficult to search, organize, and understand. However, with RAIC Labs, teams can accomplish these tasks quickly and easily on all their imagery.
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A single solutions for all your visual data

RAIC Labs simplifies imagery analysis including search, design, build, and deploy AI models from geospatial, image, and video data.

No labeling

Real-time model updates to account for misaligned training and incoming data

Find anything

No models needed for search - rapidly find things in your data or label it to build a model faster than traditional methods.


Cost-effective CPU-based training and inference for greater flexibility and scalability

Object detection

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Detect objects in hundreds of hours of videos, and see your results in context - frame, etc...


Analyze large amounts of cellphone, camera, and other static images all within a single platform....

Fast track ROI with AI

A comprehensive study by Deloitte shows that businesses can save up to 60% in operational costs by outsourcing AI development.

RAIC Labs is your partner

Our team of experienced AI consultants will work closely with you to identify the right artificial intelligence technologies, tools, and strategies that will help you streamline your business operations, improve customer engagement, and maximize profitability.

Let's talk