Find anything in your raw data​

RAIC visual search enables you to sift through millions of images to immediately find the things you’re looking for. The results, which are delivered in a few seconds, are only the visually and semantically relevant information grouped by similarity.

Overcoming barriers to image analysis

Even non-technical users can utilize the full power of AI to search through large amounts of raw, unlabeled data in minutes, without needing pre-trained models.

No data prep

RAIC analyzes raw data eliminating the need to label or prep your data for AI

No models needed

RAIC can search data for any object without requiring pre-trained models of any kind

No technical skills

The intuitive RAIC platform allows users with little to no technical skills to harness the full power of AI

Flexible search options​

Start with a single object of interest and immediately search, label, and prototype detection models—all within a single platform without any preexisting models.

  • Upload one or many images from your computer
  • Search online with our Bing image integration
  • Select sample image from your raw data
  • Generate image with our Dall-E integration

Human-in-the-loop review

Results are delivered in a context map grouping results by similarity. The user's subject matter expertise of the data paired with a collaborative workflow allows them to iterate on the AI in real-time.

Analyze your imagery in 4 simple steps

Step 1: Ingest

Upload your image, geospatial or video data directly to the RAIC cloud

Step 2: Search

Search your data for your object of desire with as little as a single image

Step 3: Nudge

Select the results that suit your needs to guide and refine the AI

Step 4: Output

Output your labeled data, classification or iterate and export your AI model

RAIC Search in action

RAIC was tasked with finding the Chinese spy ballon measuring just under 150 pixels in 18 trillion pixels of geospatial data. A true needle in the haystack challenge, that RAIC was able to successfully accomplish not one but 13 times, tracking the balloon all the way back to its launch site. A task that would have been impossible without AI.
Read how we did it

Are you ready to do more with your data?

Contact us to schedule a strategic consultation and product demo with some of our solution specialists.

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