Make expert decision making scalable

Raw visual data contains valuable insights, but is notoriously difficult to search, organize, and understand. However, with RAIC Labs, teams can accomplish these tasks quickly and easily.
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Insights across industries

From agriculture to utilities, RAIC can uncover critical insights to smarter, faster decision-making that drives your business forward:

  • Inspection and diagnostics
  • Infrastructure and asset monitoring
  • Security and moderation
  • Damage assessment and monitoring
  • Anomaly and change detection
  • And more

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Use case agnostic

RAIC combines traditional models and image embedding space transforming what is possible with visual data analysis when powered by AI. With RAIC you can:

  • Search raw unlabeled data for anything
  • Initiate visual searches with minimal data
  • Find and track key objects of interest
  • Observe and classify changes over time
  • Inspect infrastructure and property
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of operations
  • Generate insights for decision making and planning
  • Search using a text prompt, upload an image, select from your data or find one on the internet

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RAIC delivers measurable results


More usable data


Faster than traditional methods


Increase in detections

Stay ahead of the curve

Today’s world moves fast — your analysis needs to move faster. RAIC Labs helps you rapidly understand your data.

Increase efficiency

RAIC eliminates the time-to-insight gap by providing teams with reliable models and rapid image analytics that deliver rich insights impossible to reach manually.

Maximize Value

Unlike traditional methods, RAIC scales to allow your team to analyze thousands of images, hours of video, and thousands of square kilometers of satellite imagery.

RAIC in action

Search and rescue

Improve outcomes with drone footage and AI.

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Measure dark energy

Accelerate the analysis of vast complex visual data.

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Find extirpated seabirds

Reach results that are impossible without human-AI collaboration.

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RAIC Labs is your partner accessing valuable, actionable, and measurable insights. Extracting value from your data. Leveraging deep tech. Making data-driven decisions.

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